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Membership Information

Interested in applying for graduate membership?

Want to see about Reactivating or Transfering into Chi Sigma?


The Captivating Ladies of Chi Sigma Alumnae Chapter are always looking for women who are dedicated to service, education, and the betterment of all womenkind. Our lifelong commitment to sisterhood, scholarship, and service is exemplified in new, continued, or rededicated membership on the alumnae (graduate) level. Beyond the collegiate experience, alumnae engagement offers continued opportunities to grow personally, build relationships, and serve the community. The women of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. are leaders and trendsetters who believe that greater service yields greater progress.

If you are committed to serving others, promoting academic excellence, collaborating with professional women, and social and civic engagement, the Chi Sigma Alumnae Chapter may be for you!


Requirements for Membership

- Degree from a 4-year college/institution

- desire to devote time to community service and chapter functions

Graduate Membership!




Requirements for Membership

- Degree from a 4-year college/institution

- desire to devote time to community service and chapter functions

Are you ready to reactivate or transfer with the Captivating women of Chi Sigma? We are ready to welcome you back into the fold with open arms and helpful hearts! Regardless of the amount of time that you have been away, or the reason, you have a place here at Chi Sigma!

Want to get to know the women of Chi Sigma? Follow us on our social media pages to stay up to date on our events, comunity service projects, as well as social activities.

For additional information on how to reactivate or transfer, complete the form on the left and a member from the Membership Committee will help you start your journey home!


Regional Undergraduates

Regional Undergraduate membership provides an opportunity for women interested in pursuing membership in Sigma Gamma Rho but attending a college or university that does not have an active chapter. To inquire about Regional Undergraduate membership, complete the form below or contact

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Regional Undergraduate

Requirements for Membership

-Attending a college or university that does not have an active chapter

- desire to devote time to community service and chapter functions

Membership Inquiry Form
What typer of membership are you interested in?
Do you have a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited 4-year college/institution?

Thanks for submitting!

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